We Are All Explorers

Daniel R Scheinfeld, Karen M Haigh and Sandra J Scheinfeld

224 pages • P/B • 215 mm x 280 mm
ISBN 9780807749081

Learning and Teaching with Reggio Principles in Urban Settings

This is the first book to systematically examine a program-wide, multi-site implementation of the Reggio Approach in America. The authors provide a thoughtful, well-documented description and analysis of an entire early child development program serving low income, Latino and African-American children and their families in the city of Chicago. While focusing on the application, meaning, and value of Reggio Emilia principles in preschool classrooms, the authors also describe how those same principles and processes pervade relationships with parents, the professional development of teachers, and the overall organization of the program. Offering a powerful combination of theory and practice, this comprehensive model:

  • Provides 10 years of lessons learned from successfully implementing the Reggio Approach in American inner-city schools.
  • Includes classroom examples, dialogues, and questions that can be adapted to both pre- and in-service education for teachers.
  • Considers standards-based curriculum by describing literacy, math, and other school readiness components of the program.
  • Provides suggestions for educational leaders who are considering using Reggio Emilia principles in their own context.

$65.95 (incl GST)
