P/B • 232 Pages
ISBN 9781605541068
Learn the importance of and how to use observation in your early childhood classroom .
Intentional teaching begins with focused observations and systematic documentation of children’s learning and development. Focused Observations, Second Edition, explains why observation is one of the best methods to get to know each child well, track progress, and plan individualized curriculum. It also provides tools and techniques to help you strengthen your observations, create portfolios with rich documentation, and support each child. You will also learn how to share your findings with families and grow as an observer through review and reflection activities.
Learn answers to common questions about observation, including
• Why should I use observation in my classroom?
• What does effective observation and documentation look like?
• How do I fit observation in so that it doesn’t take away from teaching and interacting with children?
• How do observation and documentation work with early learning guidelines?
An interactive CD-ROM with nineteen vignettes of children in action provide opportunities to practice observing children and capturing what you see.
$157.95 (incl GST)
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