Theorising Early Childhood Practice

Edited by Linda Keesing-Styles and Helen Hedges

289 Pages • P/B
ISBN 9781876138264

Emerging Dialogues

Early childhood education is a collaborative undertaking. Mutual interests and concerns and joint efforts are hallmarks of the field. This volume represents a new form of collective venture: writers from Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand teaming up and joining forces to write about current issues critical to the sector.

Each chapter represents a trans-Tasman dialogue between the authors. In the process, it has become very evident that, despite the cultural and policy differences between the two countries, we share many common approaches and philosophies and are working towards some mutually relevant initiatives. The dialogues that emerge provide challenges to the broader international context of early childhood practice, professionalism theory, policy, curriculum and pedagogy. Therefore, equally, we anticipate that the challenges and provocations included in this volume will offer food for thought to ensure that dialogue on these issues continues both beyond the reading of this book and beyond the geographical boundaries of its authors.

The overall themes that we as editors identified for the book to provide some threads of continuity were:

  • images of children
  • children’s rights and advocacy for children
  • policy decisions, political winds and effects on early childhood provision
  • ethical issues
  • partnerships with parents; and unique early childhood perspectives

In addition, three more themes emerged from the shared concerns of the chapter authors:

  • changing theoretical perspectives, from developmental to
  • sociocultural from modern to post modern and post-structural
  • issues related to roles, responsibilities and identities that arise from
    growing professionalism in the sector and
  • the role of early childhood education in promoting socially just practices


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