Our Family is Starting School

Bob Perry, Sue Dockett

P/B • 172mm x 245mm • 111 Pages
ISBN 9781876138257

A Handbook for Parents and Carers

Starting school is an important time for all concerned. For many children and families, along with the excitement goes a sense of anxiety?a sense of not being exactly sure what will happen and what school will be like. This book results from the hundreds of workshops and discussion groups conducted by the authors for families as part of the Starting School Research Project based at the University of Western Sydney.

Suggestions are given about what to look for in a school as well as discussing issues related to readiness. It aims to move away from a simplified view of readiness that is based on age and suggests that the context in which the move to school takes place is important. It also recognises that parents know their children remarkably well and, while it encourages them to seek as much information and advice as is possible about their child’s move to school, it urges parents to trust their own knowledge. This book highlights many things families can do to support their child’s transition to school and suggests strategies for communicating with the school and for becoming actively engaged in transition to school programs that seek to make the transition smooth and positive for all concerned. As in the companion volume for educators, Starting School: A Handbook for Educators, the authors are keen to emphasise the importance of relationships and of people working together for the benefit of the child.

While this book is written primarily for families, it will be of interest to educators and early childhood students as well as it highlights many of the issues of interest and concern for families about the transition to school.



Chapter 1: Starting Out

Chapter 2: What are the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Transition to School?
What is the best age for my child to start school? How do I know if my child is ready to start school? How do I find out about schools? How do I choose a school? Should boys start school at the same age as girls? What do children have to know and be able to do before they start school? What should I do to prepare my child for school? When do I need to tell the school that my child will attend? How are the various education systems organised? What will my role be at school? How do I get to talk with the teacher? Will my child have to do homework in her/his first year of school? Will my child be safe at school? Is the playground safe? Will my child be bullied at school? Who supervises the children? Will someone check that my child eats properly, goes to the toilet, washes hands, etc? What about before/after school care? How do I know if my child has made a successful transition to school?

Chapter 3: What Should We Look For in a School?
Does the school respect its students? Does the school respect its community? Does the school strive for excellence? Does the school respect its resources? Is the school respected in its community? Preparing yourself.

Chapter 4: Is My Child Ready for School?
Legal issues. What is the best age to send my child to school? The importance of context. Assessing readiness. Summary

Chapter 5: How Should My Child Be Prepared for Starting School?
Talking about it. Reading about it. Gaining information from siblings. Making friends. What can the family do to prepare the child for school? An example. Summary

Chapter 6: How Should My Family Be Prepared for Starting School?
Time. Parents’ roles in school. Uniforms. Homework. Food. Hats and sun safety. Other family members. Tiredness. Financial matters. Summary.

Chapter 7: Communicating With the School

Chapter 8: Being a Part of Transition Programs

Chapter 9: Off to School

Appendix: For Further Reading

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