Languages of Learning

Karen Gallas

P/B • 15.67 x 1.37 x 22.73 cm • 192 pages
ISBN 9780807733059

How Children Talk, Write, Dance, Draw and Sing Their Understanding of the World

In “”The Languages of Learning”” Karen Gallas offers a new approach to understanding how young children in early and elementary grades communicate their knowledge of the world and the ways in which that kind of understanding can transform the educative process. In addition to expanding the traditional definition of narrative to include all forms of expression, the book also offers an original conceptualisation of what a classroom community is and how it is shaped. The book introduces new models for learning about science as well as an argument for, and description of, how the arts can transform the curriculum. Finally, Gallas describes, first hand, the process of doing teacher research, and what distinguishes that process from other kinds of educational research.

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