A Little Drama: Playful Activities for Young Children

Lavinia Roberts

P/B • 232 Pages
ISBN 9781605545851

200+ activities to develop the body, voice, mind, and heart
This resource has over 200 dramatic activities for parents, child care providers, and pre-K educators wanting to incorporate drama into curriculum, or do theater with young children. No prior theater experience necessary just a desire to nurture self-expression, empathy, social-emotional, and physical development of young children.

When young children engage in dramatic play in centers, the children must work together to decide roles, find props, and create the setting and story for the drama together. Drama play, in large or small groups, can also be an opportunity for children to reflect on the world around them and draw from their own experiences and observations.

A Little Drama includes:

* activities using music, movement, imaginative play, visual art and literature

* an introduction to why drama is so important in early childhood

* strategies on how to incorporate drama in the classroom

* tools to get everyone centered and on track

* sample lesson plans

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