Pademelon Press was created in 1990 by Rodney and Carmel Kenner. Pademelon Press is located in New South Wales, Australia. The current owner is Alison Moodie. Alison’s aim is to publish quality books that make a difference in the lives of children and their educators and carers.
Alison is an Accredited Editor with the Institute of Professional Editors, and has worked in book publishing for over 35 years. Alison has an interest in amplifying the voices of First Nations writers so we can all learn from their wisdom and worldview.
The aim of Pademelon Press is to build up a library of essential, quality resources covering all areas of early childhood education and care.
With over thirty titles already in print and several more due under production, we are well on our way to achieving this aim. As well as publishing original Australian books we actively seek out the best and most appropriate resources from around the world, especially from the United States and the United Kingdom.

As a result we are the Australian and New Zealand distributor for a number of the best publishers of early childhood and outside school hours care resource books. We also represent the Australian publisher Peppinot Press, the publisher of Children’s Imagination and Rapunzel’s Supermarket.
Pademelon Press wholesales to bookshops and also sells directly to the public. Please visit our website for a comprehensive list of books available for purchase www.pademelonpress.com.au
If you are an academic, educator or practitioner with many years of experience and you are interested in writing an early childhood teacher resource book or textbook we would love to hear from you. Simply call us or e-mail enquiry@pademelonpress.com.au and we will be delighted to send you a copy of our proposal guidelines.