Young Gifted Children: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Supporting Their Needs

Anne-Marie Morrissey

32 pages • P/B
ISBN 9781921613555

This is a practical guide for pre-service and practising early childhood professionals and junior primary teachers, to support them in understanding and meeting the needs of young gifted children and their families.

It includes a range of practical strategies and suggestions for working with young gifted children in early childhood settings and the first years of school.


A plain language introduction to concepts and definitions of giftedness, including the influences and important factors in their learning and development.

Advice on identifying signs of gifted or advanced development in young children and options for following up on suspected or confirmed giftedness.

Practical strategies and ideas for supporting young gifted children in early childhood settings, including ideas for planning programs, within the context of the EYLF and other relevant state frameworks and including examples and case studies.

The transition to school, including addressing issues such as processes around early entry to school, full or partial grade acceleration, school policies and practices and evidence of effective early years school programs.

Information and links to relevant resources.

$24.95 (incl GST)



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Weight 1.0000 g


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